
What Does It Mean to Be Well-Educated?


Joy Moore


Do you know how to write and read?

Do your relatives, friends, and acquaintances know how to do this? It is not surprising if these questions cause you perplexity because nothing is surprising in the ability to read and write. But can you confidently say that every person you communicate with is well-educated? Not everyone will answer this question in the affirmative because education is much more than simple reading and writing.

So what does it mean to be well-educated? There is no common understanding of the essence and level of educational skills that reveal the essence of the concept of "educated" today. But we can confidently say that people now understand education as something completely different from, for example, half a century ago, if only because the level of education, which was relevant at that time, today simply does not allow a person to live normally and work effectively.

Education is something that people undertake for themselves: a person "forms" himself or herself. Others can teach us, but we can only "educate" ourselves. Education begins with curiosity. To kill curiosity in a person would mean to deprive him or her of the very opportunity to become educated. An educated person is endowed with a special form of curiosity: he or she is interested in what would become, if he or she spoke in another language, and grew up in a different time, in a different place and climatic zone.

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Features of education in the context of modern technological progress

The problem of education of the population is extremely acute today, and for the system of lifelong education, it is of particular interest, because it most directly relates to the issues of content, goals, and technological support of the learning process.

For centuries, education was limited and based on a standard set of rules. And in the minds of the public, the term "educated" was synonymous with the term "literate." Today, due to the complication of forms and channels of communication, and changes in the cultural diversity of the world, the concept of education has expanded.

Already here we can draw the first conclusion that a modern educated person should have a critical perception as never before because he or she has to interact with information from a huge number of different sources every day.

Features of education in the context of modern culture

Above, we outlined the requirements for a well-educated person in the context of technological progress, but there are other requirements, due to the modern cultural context. Cultural education is influenced by the degree of people's involvement in a particular cultural background knowledge. It also depends on the ability to understand the formal and informal language (and context) that create and represent contemporary culture.

Cultural education requires that a person understands a wide range of basic knowledge that serves as the core of the culture in which he or she lives and also be able to freely apply this knowledge in everyday, professional,l and business life. Cultural education includes a whole range of types of knowledge derived from it that are required to be possessed by a modern person:

  • Education in the field of traditional (national) culture. This refers to the idea of culture, depending on the increase in the level of knowledge of a person about folk traditions, customs, and creativity (dance, music, poetry).
  • Multicultural education. It is the ability to navigate freely in the world of many cultures, to be aware of its meanings and values, to behave in a civilized manner in societies of different cultures, and to interact with their representatives.
  • Environmental awareness. This concept includes systems thinking, knowledge of the principles of ecology, the separation of environmental values, and the ability to be involved in nature conservation activities. Some researchers add here also the ability to understand the language of nature, which many people possessed in the era of paganism when they were uneducated in the traditional sense of the word today.

At the same time, experts do not draw clear boundaries between the types of education presented, pointing out that they all constitute one integral concept. There can be a lot of "education" for a person, but they will all be connected, and there is no single system that could unite all human thoughts. However, more and more attempts are being made to unite the efforts of professionals from various fields in search of a common understanding of the phenomenon of education. But let's summarize.

After this section of the article, we come to the second important conclusion on the topic of the requirements of education for a modern person. It consists of the fact that everyone who wants to be educated in the broadest sense of the word should expand their boundaries and be obliged to study their native and other cultures, and also be interested in solving issues related to environmental problems, even at the level of their behavior.

You should constantly strive for self-improvement and self-education. This will not only benefit you and society but also bring you happiness. More power to your elbow!

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