American scientists have researched human cognitive abilities and discovered methods to help you learn better and faster. Share these ways with you.
1. Diversify your learning
We all know how important it is to repeat when learning something new. That's true. But it's even more effective if you diversify your repetition. For example, volleyball players practice upper, lower, and lateral serves. This gives them a better skill set. Students, for example, can learn the theory by memorizing the rules, doing assignments or tests as well and watching videos. By the way, the best way to do this is in educational applications. For example, to memorize English expressions it is suggested to repeat phrases by collecting them from individual words, typing, or playing them by ear. It is also necessary to ask for advice or help from those who understand the matter more.
2. Change the environment
Also, several studies have shown that changing the place where you study affects your learning success. So experiment with where you feel more comfortable and easier to learn. Try doing your homework or learning a topic in places you're not used to: on a balcony, in a park, in a gazebo by the house, and so on. According to scientists, external factors (natural sounds, noise, wind, and others) will become associated with certain knowledge or skills. And thanks to this way they will be easier to remember. So if you can't learn a theorem, maybe you're just sitting in the wrong place.
3. Take breaks
If you have, for example, five homework assignments to do, it's better to take a break between them, or even two. Or, if you are studying a large topic for an exam, it is better to divide the material into several parts. So you will not get tired and remember important information better. This fact is confirmed by numerous studies. Even the breakdown of one hour into several fifteen-minute study sessions can be more useful than continuous learning. If, during your preparation for the seminars, you sleep over your books, then change your tactics. Better yet, make a clear schedule that takes into account the amount of material and the breaks between studies.
4. Retell what you've learned to a friend
When you have learned a topic, tell it out loud. Imagine you are a teacher giving a lecture. Or a scholar speaking to an audience. It's better if you have a helper. For example, a friend who can check your answer and ask you some questions on the subject. Practice shows that information is remembered better this way.
5. Concentrate on one thing
Multitasking is a useful skill, but not always effective. Sometimes it reduces productivity and the quality of work or study. After all, a person is often distracted by something else. So focus on one thing at a time. For example: "Now I'm preparing for a math test, and I'll postpone the term paper to tomorrow. "Or, "I'd rather sit a little longer on the report, and finish the lecture on sociology tomorrow morning". And so on. Set your priorities, and schedule less important tasks for a time that is convenient for you. By the way, time management can teach you this skill.
We think you've figured out how and what you need to learn to prepare effectively for seminars, exams, and term papers.