According to his working experience actor Ram Kapoor has an estimated net worth of between $2 Million to $4 Million, which he earned from his acting career in television dramas. It is constantly increasing in upcoming years the reason he getting more projects every year.
Professional Working Experience of Ram Kapoor
Ram Kapoor played multiple characters Mamaji / Kunwar Amar Nath Singh (KANS) / Johnny / Balbir in the Bollywood film Humshakals and hosted the reality show Rakhi Ka Swayamwar, based loosely on The Bachelorette.
Daily Salary and Monthly Income of Ram Kapoor
Ram Kapoor charges a whopping sum of 1.25 Lakh Per Episode in Indian Rupees. He also has endorsed some brands including Pudin Hara, Vim Gel, and Godrej Expert Hair Color. The major source of income for Ram Kapoor is the Professional TV Shows & Film actor.
Net Worth and Salary
According to the most recent data, Ram Kapoor has an estimated net worth of between $2 Million to $4 Million that is growing significantly.