
Number of Games, Nation, and Athletes Participating in Paris Summer Olympics Games 2024

Finally 2024 Summer Olympics (officially known as the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad) take place from 26 July to 11 August 2024 in Paris, France with some competitions starting on 24 July.

paris 2024 olympic games

Main Host City & Country of 2024 Summer Olympics

For the 2024 Summer Olympics games, Paris is the main host city but some events are held at 16 other cities spread across Metropolitan France including one subsite in Tahiti.

Total Number of Sports in 2024 Summer Olympic

Games / Sports Games / Sports Games / Sports Games / Sports
Artistic swimming Diving Marathon swimming Swimming
Water polo Archery Athletics Badminton
Basketball Basketball 3×3 basketball Boxing
Breaking Canoeing Slalom Sprint
Cycling BMX freestyle BMX racing Mountain biking
Road Track Equestrian Dressage
Eventing Jumping Fencing Field hockey
Football Golf Gymnastics Artistic
Rhythmic Trampoline Handball Judo
Modern pentathlon Rowing Rugby sevens Sailing
Shooting Skateboarding Sport climbing Surfing
Table tennis Taekwondo Tennis Triathlon
Volleyball Beach volleyball Weightlifting Wrestling
Freestyle Greco-Roman

total games in summer 2024 plympic

Total No. of Participating National Olympic Committees, 2024 Olympic

N / CommitteeN / Committee N / Committee N / Committee
Afghanistan (4)Bahrain (13)Bulgaria (47)Colombia (89)
Albania (8)Bangladesh (5)Burkina Faso (8)Comoros (4)
 Algeria (45)Barbados (4)Burundi (7)Cook Islands (2)
American Samoa (2)Belgium (165)Cambodia (3)Costa Rica (7)
Andorra (2)Belize (1)Cameroon (6)Croatia (75)
Angola (24)Benin (5)Canada (318)Cuba (63)
Antigua & Barbuda (5)Bermuda (8)Cape Verde (7)Cyprus (16)
Argentina (136)Bhutan (3)Cayman Islands (4)Czech Republic (113)
Armenia (15)Bolivia (4)Central African Republic (4)Democratic Republic of the Congo (6)
Aruba (6)Bosnia and Herzegovina (5)Chad (3)Denmark (124)
Australia (460)Botswana (11)Chile (48)Djibouti (7)
Austria (78)Brazil (277)China (388)Dominica (4)
Azerbaijan (47)British Virgin Islands (4)Chinese Taipei (60)Dominican Republic (56)
Bahamas (18)Brunei (3)East Timor (4)Ecuador (40)

N / CommitteeN / Committee N / Committee N / Committee
Egypt (147)Germany (427)Iceland (5)Kenya (72)
El Salvador (8)Ghana (8)India (113)Kiribati (3)
Equatorial Guinea (3)Great Britain (327)Individual Neutral Athletes (31)Kosovo (9)
Eritrea (12)Greece (101)Indonesia (29)Kuwait (9)
Estonia (23)Grenada (6)Iran (40)Kyrgyzstan (16)
Eswatini (3)Guam (8)Iraq (22)Laos (3)
Ethiopia (34)Guatemala (16)Ireland (133)Latvia (29)
Federated States of Micronesia (3)Guinea (24)Israel (88)Lebanon (10)
Fiji (33)Guinea-Bissau (6)Italy (360)Lesotho (3)
Finland (56)Guyana (5)Ivory Coast (11)Liberia (8)
France (573)Haiti (7)Jamaica (58)Libya (6)
Gabon (5)Honduras (4)Japan (404)Liechtenstein (1)
The Gambia (7)Hong Kong (36)Jordan (12)Lithuania (50)
Georgia (28)Hungary (170)Kazakhstan (79)Luxembourg (14)

N / CommitteeN / Committee N / Committee N / Committee
Madagascar (7)Morocco (59)Oman (4)Republic of the Congo (4)
Malawi (3)Mozambique (7)Pakistan (7)Romania (107)
Malaysia (26)Myanmar (2)Palau (3)Rwanda (8)
Maldives (5)Namibia (4)Palestine (8)Saint Kitts and Nevis (3)
Mali (23)Nauru (1)Panama (8)Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (4)
Malta (5)Nepal (7)Papua New Guinea (6)Samoa (24)
Marshall Islands (4)Netherlands (258)Paraguay (28)San Marino (5)
Mauritania (2)New Zealand (195)Peru (26)São Tomé and Príncipe (3)
Mauritius (13)Nicaragua (7)Philippines (22)Saudi Arabia (9)
Mexico (107)Niger (7)Poland (211)Senegal (11)
Moldova (26)Nigeria (88)Portugal (73)Serbia (112)
Monaco (6)North Korea (16)Puerto Rico (51)Seychelles (3)
Mongolia (32)North Macedonia (7)Qatar (14)Sierra Leone (4)
Montenegro (19)
Norway (107)
Refugee Olympic Team (37)
Singapore (23)

N / CommitteeN / Committee N / Committee N / Committee
Slovakia (28)Tajikistan (14)Turkey (102)
Uzbekistan (86)
Slovenia (90)Tanzania (7)Turkmenistan (6)
Vanuatu (6)
Solomon Islands (3)Thailand (51)Tuvalu (2)
Venezuela (33)
Somalia (1)Togo (5)Uganda (24)
Vietnam (16)
South Africa (149)Tonga (4)Ukraine (140)
Virgin Islands (5)
South Korea (141)Trinidad and Tobago (18)United Arab Emirates (13)
Yemen (4)
South Sudan (14)Sweden (117)United States (592)
Zimbabwe (7)
Spain (382)Syria (6)
Uruguay (25)
Zambia (27)
Sri Lanka (6)Switzerland (127)
Tunisia (26)
Suriname (5)
Sudan (3)


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