
How many languages does DJ Khaled can speak?


Joy Moore

DJ Khaled Languages

DJ Khaled Speak Languages Fluently

Khaled Mohamed Khaled is best known by the name of DJ Khaled, He is an American music artist. DJ Khaled is famous for his stage performance. He has done several stage shows and music albums, he widely listens across the world. DJ Khaled is a talented personality he can speak several languages although English is his official and primary language. The languages that DJ Khaled can speak are listed below.

List of Languages That DJ Khaled Can Speak

  • English
  • Arabic
  • Urdu
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish

Basic Birth Details of DJ Khaled

DJ Khaled was born and raised in the United States, and he learned English from his surroundings and society. His family immigrated to the United States from Palestine. He learned Arabic from his family, not exactly Arabic it's Palestinian Arabic which is slightly different from the actual Arabic. As he grew up he learned some other languages such as French, Italian, and Spanish. He has never disclosed any information about the languages that he can speak.

Below I'm going to mention the list of some most popular albums and stage shows of DJ Khaled, I'm also going to mention some interesting facts about him so if you want to know more about him then read my complete answer.

DJ Khaled Basic Profile Info

  • Full Name: Khaled Mohamed Khaled
  • Professional Name: DJ Khaled
  • Official Language: English, Arabic
  • Date of Birth: 26th November 1975
  • Place of Birth: New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.
  • Nationality: American
  • Occupation/Profession: Disc Jockey, Record Executive, Record Producer
  • Is Married: Yes

Top Albums of DJ Khalid

DJ Khalid started his career as a Radio Host and later he started to produce his own albums, Some of his top albums are listed below:

  • Father of Asahd (2019)
  • Suffering from Success (2013)
  • We the Best (2007)
  • Grateful (2017)
  • Major Key (2016)
  • We the Best Forever (2011)
  • Listennn... the Album (2006)
  • Victory (2010)
  • Kiss the Ring (2012)
  • I Changed a Lot (2015)

The above list is the list of the top albums done by DJ Khaled, I hope you will like the albums. This was all about the languages that DJ Khaled could speak.

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