Blade is a Marvel Studios and The Walt Disney Company production's American action-fantasy film directed by Yann Demange. With a budget of $110 million, the film is scheduled to be released on 7 November 2025. In the movie, Mia Goth and Mahershala Ali are set to play the lead characters of Lilith and Blade, here is the "Blade" cast and their salary.
Salary of Mahershala Ali in Blade
Mahershala Ali, starring as "Blade," cracked a career-high salary of $7 million for his role in the film, making it the highest-paid role of his career until 2025. Mahershala Ali is part of many mega-budget projects including Jurassic World 4, Wildwood, Eternals, Alita: Battle Angel, etc.
Salary of Mia Goth in Blade
In Blade (2025, film) Mia Goth is playing the female lead character of Lilith. This film marks the highest-paying role of her career until 2025, earning her around $3 million. Previously, she received a substantial amount for her role as Maxine Minx in the adult thriller "MaXXXine".