
Tuvalu average salary in 2025-2026

Average Salary in Tuvalu

The average salary of a particular country depends on multiple factors including education, skills, experience, country economy, supply & demand, government policies, company organization, and more.

According to currently available data, the average salary in the country of Tuvalu is approximately AUD 833 per month (AUD is the official currency of Tuvalu), which is around AUD 10,000 per year but some people get around AUD 20,000 annually working some special high-paying jobs in the same country, Tuvalu.

Average salary in Tuvalu

As A Country Tuvalu

Tuvalu is an island country in the Polynesian subregion of Oceania in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Australia, where it has a total land area is around 26 square kilometers (10 sq mi) including the number of nine islands. The origins of the people of Tuvalu are explored in theories about the migration into the Pacific that started around 3,000 years ago.


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