During his teenage years, Corey Sevier portrayed Timmy Cabot in the 1997-1999 adaptation of the Lassie TV series, and he also took on the role of Dan in the Little Men TV series in 1998 and 1999. As of the current data, Corey Sevier is a popular celebrity who has an estimated net worth of between $100000 to $1 Million.
Bio and Acting Career of Actor Corey Sevier
Corey Sevier (born Corey Daniel Sevier) is a Canadian actor who was born on 3 July 1984 in Ajax, Canada. He is known for his role on the Fox television series North Shore as Gabriel McKay and as Timmy Cabot in Lassie.
Corey Sevier embarked on his career with a modeling assignment at just six months old, where he emerged victorious in a baby beauty pageant. As a young actor, he gained recognition for his roles in episodes of the Goosebumps television series, specifically in "A Night in Terror Tower" and "Cry of the Cat." Additionally, he took the lead in the film adaptation of Wilson Rawls' "Summer of the Monkeys."
Net Worth and Salary
The estimated current net worth of Corey Sevier is approximately between $100000 to $1 Million.