Ryu Hyo-young, better known by the stage name of Ryu Hyoyoung or Jung Woo-yeon, is a South Korean actress, model, rapper, and a member of the South Korean co-ed group Coed School and the girl group F-ve Dolls.
Professional Career of Actress Ryu Hyoyoung
In April 2010, Ryu Hyoyoung participated in the "Miss Chunhyang pageant" and won the competition the same year she made her debut under the stage name Han Bit Hyo Young and then she was cast in Speed's "Lovey Dovey Plus" music video.
In 2018, Ryu Hyoyoung played a supporting role in the 2018 series "Grand Prince"; two years later, she officially changed her stage name to Ryu Hyoyoung to Jung Woo Yeon and made a comeback in showbiz with a lead role in the 2021 series "A Good Supper".
Net Worth and Salary
The estimated current net worth of Ryu Hyoyoung is approximately $1 Million.