Top 20 Brazilian Drama List
Hi, my name is Carlos, I live in Rio Brazil. I have been covering the Brazilian entertainment industry for the last 12 years. In this article, I'm going to list the top 20 Brazilian dramas that have become very popular in Brazil as well as across the globe. In this top 20 Brazilian drama list, there is all type, of all-time drama names so let's go thew the list.
List of Top 20 Best Brazilian Drama & TV Series
1. O Clone (The Clone)
O Clone is the best Brazilian drama (TV show) till now. It is a story about a Muslim girl who lives in Rio with her mother, One day her model died and then she has to go to another country where his uncle lives. The other country's culture is totally different from her own country where she lived before. How she adjusts to a different culture and tradition has been written very interestingly by Gloria Perez. This is a small intro to the story but really there are a lot of things that will make to feel happy, and sad, and sometimes make you cry. In my opinion, O Clone is the best Brazilian drama till now. O Clone ran on the Rede Globo from 1 October 2001 to 14 June 2002, airing 221 episodes.
- First episode date: 1 October 2001
- Final episode date: 14 June 2002
- No. of episodes: 221 (original run); 250 (international)
- Writers: Gloria Perez
- Main Cast: Giovanna Antonelli, Murilo Benicio, Adriana Lessa, Juca de Oliveira, Eliane Giardini, Stenio Garcia, Leticia Sabatella

2. Caminho das Indias (India: A Love Story)
Caminho das Indias or India a Love Story is 2nd most popular Brazilian drama (TV show). This is a love story that is based on various cultural conflicts. The story tries to show you the cultural differences from east to west. In this, you will see how that may be the cultural difference from one country to another country but the culture of love is understood by everyone everywhere.
- First episode date: 19 January 2009
- Final episode date: 11 September 2009
- No. of episodes: 203 (original run); 160 (syndication)
- Main Cast: Juliana Paes, Rodrigo Lombardi, Leticia Sabatella, Alexandre Borges, Debora Bloch, Tania Khalil
If you really want to see some best Brazilian dramas then you should watch this drama. The story, cast, and everything are just superb.
3. Lacos de Familia (Family Ties)
Lacos de Familia, English name Family Ties is another popular Brazilian drama (TV show). It was aired by Rede Globo in its 8 p.m. schedule, from June 5, 2000, to February 3, 2001. Family Ties story is the story of a lady doctor, she is about 45 lives in the neighborhood of Leblon, and owns a beauty clinic. It is a beautiful story. you should put it on your watch list.
- First episode date: 5 June 2000
- Final episode date: 2 February 2001
- Number of episodes: 209
- Main Cast: Vera Fischer, Carolina Dieckmann, Reynaldo Gianecchini, Tony Ramos, José Mayer, Marieta Severo, Alexandre Borges, Giovanna Antonelli, Luigi Baricelli, etc.

4. 3%
3% is a Brazilian web television series. 3% was released on Netflix in 2016 and it is the first Portuguese-language Netflix original series and the second non-English production, after the Spanish-language series Club de Cuervos. It is one of the most-watched Netflix series in Brazil. 3% has a total of four seasons which are listed below with numbers of episodes and release date.
3% Seasons List
- Season 1: 8 Episodes, November 25, 2016
- Season 2: 10 Episodes, April 27, 2018
- Season 3: 8 Episodes, June 2018
- Season 4: Final Season, August 2019
3% is available on Netflix, you should keep it on your watch list.
5. Magnifica 70
Magnífica 70 is a Brazilian web television show. Magnífica 70 first season was released in 2015 on HBO Brasil, which ran for three series from 2015-18. It was released in the Portuguese language. In 2019, Magnifica 70 was nominated for Non-English Language U.S. Primetime Program awards.
- First episode date: 24 April 2015
- Final episode date: 16 December 2018
- Main Cast: Marcos Winter, Simone Spoladore, Adriano Garib, Maria Luisa Mendonca, Paulo Cesar Pereio, Leandro Firmino, Stepan Nercessian, Joana Fomm, Rogerio Froes

6. O Rei do Gado
O Rei do Gado English name English: King of Cattle was produced and broadcast on Rede Globo, from 17 June 1996 to 15 February 1997. It was a popular TV show in Brazil and has a total of 209 episodes.
O Rei do Gado Details
- First episode date: 17 June 1996
- Final episode date: 15 February 1997
- Number of episodes: 209
- Network: Rede Globo
- Main Cast: Antonio Fagundes, Raul Cortez, Patricia Pillar, Gloria Pires, Fabio Assuncao, Sílvia Pfeifer, Lavinia Vlasak, Carlos Vereza, Mariana Lima, Ana Rosa

7. Mulheres de Areia
Mulheres de Areia is a Brazilian TV show which produced by the Rede Globo and aired from 1 February 1993 through 25 September 1993, in 203 episodes. The story was written by Ivani Ribeiro. Mulheres de Areia's English name is Sand Women.
- First episode date: 1 February 1993
- Final episode date: 25 September 1993
- Number of episodes: 201
- Main Cast: Gloria Pires, Guilherme Fontes, Marcos Frota, Raul Cortez, Suzana Vieira, Laura Cardoso, Sebastiao Vasconcelos, Vivianne Pasmanter, Humberto Martins, Thais de Campos, Adriano Reys, Nicette Bruno, Andrea Beltrao, etc.

8. O Cravo e a Rosa
O Cravo e a Rosa is a famous Brazilian TV show, In English, it is called " The Thorn and the Rose ". It is an old Brazilian TV series, that was released in 2000. See the below short details about O Cravo e a Rosa.
- First episode: 26 June 2000
- Final episode: 10 March 2001
- Number of episodes: 221
- Main Casts: Adriana Esteves, Eduardo Moscovis, Drica Moraes, Leandra Leal, Angelo Antonio, Luis Melo, Maria Padilha, Ney Latorraca, etc.

9. Dupla Identidade (Merciless)
If you don't like much older TV shows then you may like Dupla Identidade, it is a Brazilian TV series that was released in 2014. It has suspense, drama, and thriller. Dupla Identidade is the original name it is called Double Identity, and its English title is Merciless. If you are a suspense lover then you should watch this TV series, I'm sure you will like this
- First episode: 19 September 2014
- Final episode: 19 December 2014
- Network: Rede Globo
- Language: Brazilian Portuguese
- Main Casts: Bruno Gagliasso, Debora Falabella, Luana Piovani, Marcello Novaes, Marisa Orth, Aderbal Freire Filho, Mariana Nunes, Bernardo Mendes, Luana Tanaka. etc.
10. Terra Nostra (Our Land)
Terra Nostra is another popular Brazilian TV show. It is an older Brazilian TV show It was aired in 1999. It is an old series but if you watch this then you can correlate many things that are happening nowadays around us, and you will get a feel of how important it is to be connected with our roots. So this was the list of the top 10 Brazilian dramas list, I will update more 10 Brazilian drama names that are widely popular across Brazil.