"My Dearest Nemesis," a South Korean drama, tells the story of Baek Su Jeong the leader of the planning team at Yongsung Department Store, which is considered the best in the industry. Known for her strong work ethic and exceptional performance, she is highly respected in her role. Rather than holding back her frustrations, she isn't afraid to confront anyone in the company when something bothers her.
One day, Baek Su Jeong meets Ban Ju Yeon for the first time in 16 years. He begins to work as her boss, the director of the strategic planning division. He is also the successor of the department store, when Baek Su Jeong was in her teens, she first met Ju Yeon through an online game. He used the game ID of "Black Salt Dragon," which was the symbol of teenage angst. That time has remained one of the worst memories in her life.
As a teenager, Ju Yeon first encountered Su Jeong, who went by the game ID "Strawberry." He fell for her, and she became his first love. However, as soon as he confessed his feelings, she rejected him, leaving him with his first taste of heartbreak. Sixteen years later, Ju Yeon is now an adult and crosses paths with Su Jeong again, this time as his subordinate at work.
Basic Details of Drama In Short
- Drama Name: My Dearest Nemesis
- Native Title: 그놈은 흑염룡
- Other Titles: Black Salt Dragon, Black Dragon, He’s the Black Dragon, He's a Black Flame Dragon, Black Flame Dragon, That Man Is Black Salt Dragon, Heug Yeomryong, Geunomeun Heukyeomryong
- Country of Origin: South Korea
- Original Language: Korean
- Number of Episodes: 12
- Aired Date: March 2025
- Episode Duration: 40-70 minutes per episode
- Original Network: tvN
- Genres: Romance, Drama, Comedy
- Adopted: From the webtoon "He’s a Black Dragon" (그놈은 흑염룡) by Hye Jin Yang (혜진양)
Leading & Supporting Cast & Their Salary
Watch My Dearest Nemesis Drama English Sub
South Korean drama series "My Dearest Nemesis" will come out soon After the drama the audience can watch it in English, as well as, other languages subtitles on the original platform tvN. It is a strong possibility that My Dearest Nemesis will also be available on some other platforms such as VIKI and Dailymotion but right now have insufficient data about release.