When the Phone Rings (지금 거신 전화는) is a 2024-2025 Korean romantic television series that follows the story of Baek Sa Eon, the youngest presidential spokesman in Korea, who comes from a prestigious political family. His background includes roles as a war correspondent, hostage negotiator, and news anchor. Three years ago, he married Hong Hui Ju, a mute sign language interpreter and the adopted second daughter of a newspaper proprietor. Their marriage, based on convenience, has been distant and cold. However, when Hui Ju is kidnapped, their lives and relationships change.
Here is the list of the celebrities who played the leading role in the "When the Phone Rings" drama including Yoo Yeon Seok, Chae Soo Bin, Heo Nam Jun, Jang Gyu Ri, Han Jae Yi, Jung Dong Hwan
- Drama Name: When the Phone Rings
- Native Title: 지금 거신 전화는
- Other titles: The Number You Have Dialed, Jigeum Geosin Jeonhwaneun
- Country of origin: South Korea
- Original Language: Korean
- No of Episodes: 12 Episodes
- Released Date: Nov 22, 2024 - Jan 4, 2025
- Running Time Duration: 1 hr. 8 minutes
- Aired On: Every Friday, Saturday
- Original Network: MBC
- Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Romance, Drama
- Directed by Park Sang Woo, Wi Deuk Gyu
- Screen written by Kim Ji Woon
Watch When the Phone Rings Series English Subtitles
When the Phone Rings series is available on Wavve and Netflix with English subtitles as well as other subtitles in Korean, Thai, Japanese, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, and more including the original network MBC.
- Wavve English subtitles
- Netflix English subtitles
- MBC original network