Super Kahramanlar-Altay is a Turkish television drama series that follows 35 mortal superheroes who use the latest technology and ancient wisdom to overcome global challenges such as environmental disasters and wars, and battle with a cast of villains in the universe.
Basic Cast of Super Kahramanlar-Altay TV Series
Basic Details of Super Kahramanlar-Altay
- Full Name: Super Kahramanlar-Altay
- Also Known as Altay
- Country of origin: Turkey
- Languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Urdu, Turkish
- Production company: T World Entertainment
Where to Watch Super Kahramanlar-Altay English Subtitles
Watch Super Kahramanlar-Altay Turkish drama in multiple languages subtitles such as English, Hind, Urdu, Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Mandarin, French, German, Spanish, and other languages subtitles on Multiple platforms including originally released networks and may be on YouTube.