"The Heart Killers" is a Thai BL series presented by GMMTV that follows the story of a tattoo artist named Kant, who is tasked by the police to dig into the mysterious killings of businessmen and politicians. He tails the two assassin brothers named Fadel and Bison, who also run a restaurant. Things take a turn when Kant finds himself falling for Bison. However, Fadel gets caught with a car mechanic named Style. This is described according to the published trailer by GMMTV.
The Heart Killers: Series Creator and Cast
The Heart Killers Thai BL series is also known by the name of other titles such as เขาจ้างให้ผมจีบนักฆ่า (Thai title), Khao Chang Hai Phom Chip Nakkha, They Hire Me to Hit on Killers, and Khao Jang Hai Phom Jeeb Nakkha. The Heart Killers series was directed by Jojo Tichakorn Phukhaotong, cinematography by Rath Roongrueangtantisook, and produced by Sataporn Panichraksapong & Darapa Choeysanguan.
Where To Watch The Heart Killers Free Online
The Heart Killers is a new Thai BL series that will be released with English subtitles soon on multiple platforms such as GMMTV's official YouTube channel and GMM 25 original network in Thailand with English subtitles and other languages subtitle such as Thai, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Togalog, Indo, and many more other languages subtitles.