My Golden Blood Thai BL series follows the story of Mark, a vampire who's never found meaning in his immortal life until he meets Tong. He shakes up his world and becomes his reason for living. Tong possesses a rare and powerful type of blood, irresistible to vampires and Mark must therefore do anything to protect him from others and also from himself.
My Golden Blood: Series Creator and Cast
My Golden Blood (also known by the name of other titles such as เลือดนายลมหายใจฉัน and Lueat Nai Lom Haijai Chan) BL series Screen written by May Piangpaitoon Satrawah and directed by Ark Saroj Kunatanad
Where To Watch My Golden Blood Free Online
My Golden Blood is a new BL series presented by GMMTV and it may be originally released on the GMM 25 network most GMMTV series are also released on GMMTV Officially YouTube channels, so it is a strong possibility it will be also released on YouTube, and other networks with English subtitles. "My Golden Blood" BL series follows the tag line of a vampire male lead, an age gap, gay romance, LGBTQ+, a basketball player male lead, and more.