
How many languages does Cha Woo Min speak?

cha woo min speak languages fluently

South Korean celebrity Cha Woo Min was born on October 24, 2000, in Busan, South Korea, where he was also raised with his family (Koran family) and he attended Seoul Institute of the Arts after completing his basic schooling education from the local schools (not have much information about his schooling).

Cha Woo Min Speaks Language Fluently

Born in Busan, South Korea, Cha Woo Min (full bio, net worth,...) is fluent in his primary/native language, which is Korean, as well as other sign languages spoken in South Korea. Cha Woo Min frequently uses Korean to manage all his business affairs, both personal and professional. In addition to Korean, Cha Woo Min also speaks and understands English very well, similar to his proficiency in Korean.

  • Korean: primary language
  • English: foreign language


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