
How many languages does Kaki Hunter speak?

Kaki Hunter Birthplace and Family

Kaki Hunter was born on 6 November 1955 in Silver Spring, Maryland, United States and she also raised here with her family members including her parents, siblings, and relatives. She is also active in the entertainment industry as an actress from 1977 to 1991.

Languages "Kaki Hunter" Speaks Fluently

Kaki Hunter is very fluent in English, which is referred to as her primary language and she used the English language very frequently to communicate with people. If you are also interested in exploring Kaki Hunter not worth then click here.

  • English

Does Kaki Hunter Speak French and German?

According to Kaki Hunter's birth details, she is very fluent in English only but maybe she also speaks French and German languages but we have insufficient data right now.


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