
How many languages does Raven Rigor speak?

Languages Raven Rigor speaks fluently

Raven Rigor is a talented personality and he loves to learn different languages and can speak and understand several languages although Filipino is his primary and mother language, he learned Filipino from his family and the society where he was born.

Raven Rigor uses English as his official and professional language, he is fluent in English speaking, reading, and writing. Rather than English he also knows some other foreign languages but he is not fluent in them as he is in English. As a foreign language, Raven Rigor is willing to learn Korean, Mandarin, Thai, and Hindi.

There are many regional languages that Raven Rigor can speak and understand such as the Tagalog language, he can speak and understand Tagalog.

  • Tagalog
  • English


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