
How many languages does Choi Jin Hyuk speak?

Choi Jin Hyuk speak language fluently

Choi Jin Hyuk was born and raised in Mokpo, South Korea, where he attended multiple schools, such as Mokpo Cheongho Elementary School, Mokpo Deok-in Middle School, and Jeonnam Jeil High School. He then joined Daejin University (a private university in Pocheon, South Korea) for higher education.

Choi Jin Hyuk Speaks Languages Fluently

Choi Jin Hyuk is a well-known South Korean entertainment celebrity who has done many television and movie projects in his acting profession. As for Choi Jin Hyuk's speaking ability, he is very fluent in his native language, Korean, which is his primary language, and he very frequently uses it to communicate with people and deal with all his business.

Choi Jin Hyuk understands and speaks English along with Korean, which he prefers as his second or foreign language. However, his fluency in English is not as good as in his native language, Korean.

  • Korean: primary language
  • English: foreign language


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