
What languages does Nicole Kidman speak?

Nicole Kidman was born in Honolulu, Hawaii but grew up in Sydney where she attended Lane Cove Public School and North Sydney Girls High School. Nicole Kidman is well aware of the primary speaking language in both countries.

Languages Nicole Kidman Speak Fluently

According to Nicole Kidman’s birth details and working place, Nicole Kidmanz is well known in multiple languages including from America and Australia but you know that both are speaking countries, So people from Australia or America can easily understand each other because of their language almost same.

Nicole Kidman is well known for her fluency in English. Based on her working experience, it is highly likely that she also understands and speaks some American Sign Language, as well as international languages such as Spanish, German, and French. However, there is insufficient information about her fluency in these languages.

  • English (Primary Language)


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