best russian movies

top 10 russian movies

Top 10 Russian Movies

Russia has a unique trend of movies, the most Russian movie is based on either War or Action movies. If you are a love story lover then the Russian movies are not for you but if you love historical movies or action movies the Russian movies are best in these two categories.  My name is Rob Jackson, I'm going to list Top 10 Russian movies of all time. I will try to mention various categories so that everyone can get a movie name according to their interest. Let go throw my list of top 10 Russian movies.

Top 10 Russian Movies List

  • Legend #17
  • Leviathan
  • Battle for Sevastopol
  • Air Crew (Ekipag)
  • Hardcore Henry
  • Stalingrad
  • Loveless
  • Panfilov's 28
  • Going Vertical
  • Elki (Christmas trees)

This is my list of top 10 Russian movies of all time. I have prepared this list based on the movie's popularity. I have tried to mention various category movies so that everyone can have at least one movie based on their interest. I would like to know if anyone wants to share their experience with top Russian movies.

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