Assignment operators in C
In C programming an assignment operator is used to assign the value of an expression into a variable. In C programming = is the most frequently used assignment operator. Generally assignment operator = is used line variable=expression.
for example-
int a=5, b=9, c=11, res;
res=a+b+c // use of assignment operator
Explanation - In the above example res is a variable and a+b+c is an expression.
Note - It is not compulsory that is should always have a big expression, it can also have a value, other variables for example
res=a or res=20 or res=b+c etc.
Types of Assignment operators in C
In C programming assignment operator is only one type but it has many extend mode, below I'm going to explain all extended assignment operators one by one.
If m and n are variable then...
Use of +=
m+=n means m=m+n
Use of -=
m-=n means m=m-n
Use of *=
m*=n means m=m*n
Use of /=
m/=n means m=m/n
Use of %=
m%=n means m=m%n