
How many languages does Blake Lively can speak?


Josh Mike

Blake Lively was born as Blake Ellender Brown in the Tarzana neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. Her mother, Elaine, worked as a talent scout, and her father, Ernie Lively, was an actor. Lively was named after her grandmother's brother. She has an older brother, Eric, and three half-siblings from her mother's previous marriage, Lori, Robyn, and Jason. Her parents and siblings have all worked in the entertainment industry.

Languages Fluently Spoken by Blake Lively

According to actress Blake Lively's birthplace and family background, she speaks English (specifically, American English) very well compared to other foreign languages that are spoken across the world. It is possible that she also speaks some other languages such as Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, etc because a huge population in America knows these languages too.

  • English (specifically, American English): For the American people, English is a primary language that is spoken across the Unites States of America, and also, other English-spoken countries like Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdon, and more.

blake lively speak languages
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