How many languages does Michael Fassbender can speak?


Piu Vidant Rimi

Michael Fassbender speaks langues

Michael Fassbender | Irish Actor

Michael Fassbender is an Irish television & film actor and racing driver who was born on 2 April 1977 in Heidelberg, Baden-Wurttemberg. He made his acting debut on the screen was that of Burton "Pat" Christenson in with Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg's award-winning television miniseries "Band of Brothers" (2001) to present.

Michael Fassbender Speaks Languages

Michael Fassbender was born in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg. About Michael Fassbender's speaking ability of languages, He speaks English & German very fluently because his mother named "Adele" is Irish from Larne, County Antrim & his father named "Josef Fassbender" is German. Michael Fassbender is also fluent in Irish, having grown up in Kerry. He attended Fossa National School and St. Brendan's College, both in Killarney.

Language Learning Status of Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender is currently 43 years old as of 2020 and right now we don't have enough updates related to his learning status of any foreign languages (to be updated as soon as possible).

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