<article> And <section> Tags in HTML
The <article> and <section> tags in HTML are both structural elements used to divide and organize content on an HTML webpage, and they have similarities.
Difference Between <article> and <section> Tags
<article> Tag
- The <article> tag is used to represent a self-contained, complete, and independently distributable piece of content.
- The content within the <article> tag should make sense on its own and be able to be distributed and understood independently from the rest of the webpage.
- Mostly the <article> is used in news articles, blog posts, forum posts, or user-generated content that can be syndicated or shared as a complete unit.
<section> Tag
- The <section> tag is used to group related content together.
- The content within the <section> tag may or may not be self-contained, but it should share a common theme or purpose.
- Mostly the <section> is used in grouping together sections of a long document, organizing content into separate parts, or creating distinct sections within a webpage layout.