SQL Database Administrator Role and Responsibility
A database administrator's (DBA) primary key is to ensure that data is available, protected from loss and corruption, and easily accessible as needed:
- Software installation and Maintenance
- Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading
- Specialized Data Handling
- Database Backup and Recovery [DBAs create the backup and recovery plans and procedures based on industry best practices]
- Security [The database software and the company’s overall system and work to minimize risks]
- Authentication [DBAs control who has access and what type of access they are allowed]
- Capacity Planning [The capacity planning refers to usage level]
- Performance Monitoring [Monitoring databases for performance issues is part of the on-going system maintenance a DBA performs]
- Database Tuning [The physical configuration, the way the database is indexed]
- Troubleshooting [Need to quickly restore lost data or correct an issue to minimize damage]