5G Internet Service in Castenaso
Castenaso is a town and comune in the Metropolitan City of Bologna, Castenaso is just 12 Km away from the city center of Bologna. As of August 2021, Castenaso is partially connected by 5G mobile internet, and most of the areas are covered by Vodafone Mobile, TIM, and Wind Tre Mobile.
The telecom companies upgrading their system very rapidly and it is expected that soon the complete area of Castenaso will be covered by 5G internet service. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the up-gradation work was affected and it is running delayed but soon it will be covered. In some areas, 5G testing is also being conducted, the major companies that are working on 5G internet service are listed below.
- Vodafone Mobile
- Wind Tre Mobile
- Iliad
Currently, there are many types of networks available such as 4G+, 4G, and 3G and they are fast enough for the common purpose but things will be better in the future when 5G is completely rolled out in Castenaso.