
Average salary in Kuwait

According to the updated data, in general, the average monthly salary the Kuwait working candidates get ranges from 404 Kuwaiti Dinars (KWD) to 2000 Kuwaiti Dinars (KWD) which also depends on the country's economy, industry type, education, company location, and more other factors.

average salary in Kuwait

Kuwait As A Country

The State of Kuwait, simply Kuwait, is a country in West Asia and the geopolitical region known as the Middle East. Kuwait shares a maritime border with Iran, across the Persian Gulf.

Population of Kuwait

As of 2024 data, Kuwait has a population of 4.82 million, of which 1.53 million are Kuwaiti citizens while the remaining 3.29 million are foreign nationals from over 100 countries. It has the third-largest foreign-born population in the world.


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