
Average salary in Turkey

According to the most recent data, the average salary in Turkey (Türkiye) is around 94,000 to 1,20,000 Turkish Lira (TRY) per year, which is roughly 7,272 US Dollars. However, the average salary in Türkiye varies widely depending on the industry and working position, as well as other factors such as the country's economy, industry type, candidate education, company location, and others.

Turkey countary

Türkiye: GDP and Population

The Republic of Türkiye, commonly known as Turkey, is a country located in Anatolia in West Asia, with a small part called East Thrace in Southeast Europe and borders the Black Sea to the north; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Iran to the east.

As of the 2024 data, the county has a total GDP (Purchasing power parity) is $3.457 trillion and $40,283 per capita as of 2024 data and the total population of Türkiye is around 85,664,944 as of the date December 2024 with a total density of 111.4/km2.


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